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Book of the week

Silenced in the library : banned books in America

silenced_in_the_libraryby Zeke Jarvis

"Censorship has been an ongoing phenomenon even in "the land of the free." This examination of banned books across U.S. history examines the motivations and effects of censorship, shows us how our view of right and wrong has evolved over the years, and helps readers to understand the tremendous importance of books and films in our society. Provides readers with a broad understanding of the different levels of censorship. Puts challenges to books into historical context of societal standards and current events. Takes both historical and literary perspectives, recognizing the lasting cultural influences of texts and their literary significance. Presents biographical background of major authors who have been challenged. Identifies the source and explains the result of challenges to the most important or influential banned books. Compares challenges to controversial books against similar challenges to controversial films, television shows, and video games"


Last updated 04/09/2024 by P. Higo

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